Monday, August 14, 2006

Guitar Man

This is my grandson, Jacob. He came in today with his sisters for a little fun in the studio. They had a blast!

Jacob is just learning to play the guitar and he is proud of the fact that he can play. He wanted to be sure to include his guitar in a few of his shots. He plays the guitar left handed and he is the only in the family that I know of that does.

Guitar players run in the family. My grandpa, dad, brother, son, grandson, and myself all play the guitar as well as several aunts and uncles.

Keep up the good work Jacob! I am proud of you for keeping up the family tradition...

-Grandpa Curt


Anonymous said...

awesome picture Curt! Thanks for showing it! He looks like he's destined for superstardom, doesn't he? Can't wait to see the others!

Anonymous said...

The girls here say he looks like a little Kenny Chesney! Maybe we should send a copy to him, huh?

Anonymous said...

he is definately the next kenny chesney! He sings, too! (I'm not a bit prejudiced in his favor, either!)

Anonymous said...

I loved his photo, you do beautiful work as always. Can't wait to see the others..You all need to get together as he gets older for a guitar picking night!

Anonymous said...

This photo is becoming a smash! I can't wait to hear him sing. Maybe we need to do a video of him and send it to Kenny!

I can't wait to get the other photos on line for you! Thanks for all the wonderful comments.

Anonymous said...

Jacob plays the guitar left-handed because he inherited that from his maternal great-grandfather who is also a guitarist and is also left-handed.
Jacob's grandmother,
Terri Kionka