Friday, November 09, 2007

Blog or No Blog

We need your input:

We are trying to determine if we should continue our Blog or not. Your input is very important to us. Do you value our blog? Is it helpful to you? Would you like for us to keep it going? Give us your input so that we can better serve you.

Please email us with your thoughts and we will determine by you comments if we will keep the Blog going. If we do not get any responses at all then we must conclude that it is no longer needed.

Thanks in advance for your views.


Friday, November 02, 2007

New Website

To the family and friends of Two Doves Photography,

Please excuse our mess as we are moving into a new website. Our galleries are being migrated over to our new look and it will take a little time for the transition to be completed. During this time you may or may not find what you are looking for in the client proofing sections. Don't be alarmed! If this should happen, please give us a call. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you.

The transition over to our new site will take about a week. Progress has been slow because we are making our client image editing a priority over the move.

Our new website will include a shopping cart, with online ordering, and a new and improved video section. The images will be much bigger with more detail. We hope you will like our new look. When we get up and running please let us know what you think about the new Two Doves look.

Thanks for your patients.