Join in on the fun as the 'Committee to Get the Mayor Married' kicks off.
David More, of the
Art Lovers Trading Company in Carbondale, and I have rounded up a committee to help get the Mayor of Carbondale married. It all started out when Carbondale's Mayor Brad Cole had his new year's resolution published in the Southern Illinoisan on January 1, 2007. His resolution was to fall in love, get engaged and get married within the next 12 months.
More hit me with the idea, a few days ago, of forming the committee and wanted my input on it. I thought it sounded like a lot of fun. It could be like the reality show, The Bachelor, only our version would be Carbondale style. More ran with the idea and has now spread like wild fire. Two local newspapers have picked up on the story and WSIL-TV 3 had a story about it a couple nights ago. Now WPSD-TV 6 wants to do a story.
Here are some links that you can go to to keep up with all the excitement and to learn more about getting the Mayor of Carbondale married:
Marry The MayorCarbondaley DispatchThe Southern IllinoisanPress ReleaseCurt Trammel